Monday, October 24, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Stop Ignoring the Needs of Mature Customers -- THEY'RE the Ones With the Money!

Mature consumers also complain that most stores are not only understaffed but also that the staff on hand is not trained well enough to help them. Most respondents, 63% under 70, and 75% over 70, say they would like to be able to sit down in stores. On the whole, mature consumers want and expect a sympathetic understanding of the realities of age, but they do not want to be treated as old or elderly. Read the entire story and report results at

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Logging in

Why do companies that run websites and want customer interaction make it difficult to do so by compelling customers remember a user name and password?

The answer, of course, is that the login requirement comes from the registration requirement that allows the company to collect data about us, its customers and prospects. And while I'm sure many people, like me, use the same password for everything so we don't have to remember 100 different ones, more often than not, the user name I wish to use is already taken so I have to come up with some variation of it that will be "allowed" yet still easily recalled.

The point is that if I see something on a site that I want to make a quick comment about, I have to jump through hoops to make that comment. So the bottom line is: companies, and media, would rather have our information so they can design marketing messages to try to talk us into something we don't want or need -- marketing at us -- rather than learning what we think or want or feel, so that they can inform us about the products and services they have that will benefit us; that is, market to us.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

VistaPrint Falls Twice in Two Weeks

DEaling with an online printing company which I'm happy to acknowledge has been pretty good about customer service for the last couple of years, and from which I've received some very good quality products.... but two recent incidents are infuriating.

1) I have an email account for my author marketing group set-up with VistaPrint. A couple of weeks ago I suddenly couldn't send, only receive messages. I called customer service. After a few minutes the CSR (customer service representative) came back on the phone and said someone else had to talk to me because she couldn't find the problem. She promised he would call back in an hour when he arrived. No call back, so I had to call the next day. Someone else did figure out the problem -- that I had been reported for spamming, which was untrue (I pass along email messages about author and book marketing to group members). More importanmt is the fact that I was never notified -- they just cut of my email-sending ability.

2) And this has happened before: I emailed customer service about a problem (specifically, the tracking number they porovided me for a recent order was, according to UPS, invalid). The response? A link to the same invalid tracking number in the form of a form letter.

Perhaps I shouldn't be complaining since many of the VistaPrint products I've ordered over the last two years are free. I have, though, paid for many others, and in fact this order totaled more than $213 with S/H. But whether free or not, the promise is to deliver products (and services, in the case of the email account, which I am paying for) and provide the service to back them up.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

5 Ways to a Remarkable Customer Experience

Customer experience is everything your brand does. It can make or break your business.
"From the store windows, the store touch-points, the website, social media or a magazine: it has to be one pure customer experience, not just to gain market share but to gain mind share" Angela Ahrendts, CEO Burberry.
Customer experience as a concept has been around for over ten years now but it is still often confused with CRM or considered to be a fancy new name for customer service. In fact, as the research for our book "Bold- how to be brave in business and win" shows, the brands that are transforming markets are doing so because they see everything they do as part of the customer's experience.

Never have consumers had so much choice. You can buy whatever you want, whenever you want from hundreds of suppliers. Because of the fierce competition and the efforts of organizations to improve their performance over the past few years, service is generally good too. But good is not good enough. To get the "share of mind" that Angela Ahrendts talks about, you have to be different to your competitors-in fact, you have to be dramatically different. Only then will you create an "indelible memory" to quote Tom Ford, that puts your brand at the forefront of your customers minds whenever they need the kinds of products or services that you offer.

The challenge for organizations is how to design and deliver this kind of experience so that it works every day across every touch-point. The bigger the organization the harder it is. So how do the "Bold" brands do it?

1. Be very clear what your brand stands for and make that as distinctive as possible. As Robert Stephens, the founder of technology support company the Geek Squad advises; "This is where companies go wrong; they don’t take a bold enough point of view. That’s what brands are for, to make you distinct from other entities". The Geek Squad does this through their employees who they call "Agents" These employees are dressed in a distinctive "geek like" uniform and carry police style badges bearing the company promise "We’ll save your ass".
2. Deliver the promise through a customer experience that creates iconic moments for your brand. Blandness is the enemy of creating a memorable experience so it is important to choose to invest in creating touch-points that become hall-marks for your brand. Six Senses, the luxury resort operator frequented by celebrities, promises "Intelligent Luxury". By this it means luxury that is natural rather than ostentatious; more "conscientious consumption" than "conspicuous consumption". A brand hallmark is when guests arrive at the resort their designated host will invite them to take their shoes off and drop them into a bag labeled "No News. No Shoes". For the duration of their stay guests get to enjoy walking barefoot on the powdery sand even in the restaurant and bars. And by the way, the "no news" part means just that-unless guest particularly request it they will not have their peace disturbed by CNN or newspapers. That is true luxury if you usually live in the full glare of the media.

3. Empower your people to deliver a consistent "experience" not a formulaic response. The fundamental benefit that a brand bestows is predictability. If you want to really upset your customers provide them with wildly different experiences from location to location, day to day or between one service provider to another. The response therefore, from many organizations has been to seek to control the experience by standardizing it. In many cases these service standards have been set at the level of the lowest common denominator and thereby created robotic service encounters. "Have a nice day" has become a symbol of this "design by numbers" approach to customer experience. The right answer is to keep a tight control over what your brand promises and the design of the experience but to give freedom to your people to behave in a way that will meet individual customer needs. Burberry has approached this by buying back franchises to have greater control over the brand whilst investing in training its people in the "Burberry Experience" so that they have the knowledge and skills to deliver the desired experience.

4. Make the marketing of your brand a dramatic experience. Ever been stuck behind a tractor? Not the fastest or most exciting things are they? Unless they’re a JCB that is. This manufacturer of industrial vehicles was so excited about the powerful diesel engines they had developed for their range of diggers that they wanted to create a customer experience that would dramatize the benefits. How? By building a vehicle that would use their diesel engines to break the land speed record. With the fastest man on earth, Flight Commander Andy Green, at the wheel, Dieselmax reached 670km an hour on the salt flats of Utah. JCB also puts on "Dancing Digger" events around the world where these 8 tonne machines perform synchronized balletic displays to showcase their manoeuvrability. Sir Anthony Bamford, JCB’s Chairman, calls it "selling the sizzle" and it has helped them achieve sizzling results.

5. Align marketing, operations and HR around the customer experience. In many organizations the customer experience is fragmented. One function owns the contact centre, another runs the retail operation whilst marketing communicate new propositions forgetting to first ensure the front-line can deliver them. Worse still, management announce a new customer experience initiative only to back-track at the first sign of pressure on the share price. One organization that understands this need to take a sustained approach is the mobile phone operator O2. It is the market leader in the UK and has achieved the highest level of advocacy in the segment. It has done so through aligning its marketing, operations and HR function behind the brand promise of "Helping customers connect" The brand realizes that in order to deliver this promise it has first to ensure that it is lived internally. As Ronan Dunne, O2’s CEO says:
"When you embark on the journey you can’t stop halfway and say, "You know what, I believe in customer experience, but I’m not going to do that" or "we can’t afford to do that", because it only works when it all works." 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Don't you just feel like an invisible speck when you walk up to the checkout stand of a store and the clerk is talking to a co-worker, and he/she doesn't even acknowledge that you're there? He/she just starts scanning your items, stops talking just long enough to say "$31.55" and put his/her hand out for the money or card? 

Didn't these people's parents ever teach them any manners? Didn't their bosses? Worse yet is when the two co-workers are cackling over some stupid joke.... or gossiping about another co-worker... and worse YET, poking fun at the previous customer!